Friday, September 02, 2005

Hole Truth About Men's Underwear.

2 ladies came to pick up an underwear this afternoon.
Was recommending them a super low waist underwear with fly front, and one shocking question actually came out from one of them, and stunned me.

"Do you guys use the fly when you go to the toilet?"
"Mmmm, not really. Nope!"
"If you guys not using the fly front, why they built this on the underwear? We girls thought that you guys use the fly front all along!"

After they left. You know what I did. I went around the store and asked the guys one by one.

"Do you use the fly front when you go to Shee shee?"
"No la, I pull the whole undie down la!

My God! So I went around searching and found this article. ...

Hole Truth About Men's Underwear.

It took me totally by surprise! There we were, sitting around a tiny round table sharing a few bottles of wine after a hard set of negotiations. We'd come to know each other well over the previous few months and the conversation drifted all over the place, the way it does when you throw men and women together in a casual setting.

I was barely listening..."no, we don't use girls really thought we did? " ears perked up. I leaned in as I saw the incredulous look on the face of the recipient of this news. She gasped and I could see that the information he'd just imparted was something that shocked her. "What do you mean you don't use it?? It's in every pair of men's underwear I've ever bought for my husband!! You must use it...". I blinked in surprise...her voice cluing me in to what it was they were saying.

Everyone had stopped talking to watch the exchange and without exception, we women were dumbfounded and the men were dumbstruck (in the interest of being fair, notice I resisted saying the men were just dumb..I almost bit a hole through my tongue resisting the temptation but I just want you all to know how proud I am of me). None of the 4 women there had any idea that the opening in men's underwear was decorative. None of the 9 men there could believe that we'd just learned something that they'd been aware of all their lives.

One of our company, a woman of vast (vast, vast) experience, was more vocal than any of us. She just flat out did not believe it. "I've never seen a man wear anything without a hole in the front unless it was one of those thong pouch things that just make women laugh. I'd know if it was decorative, I've seen a lot of stripped down men in my time!"..her voice carried to nearby tables where I noted that all of the women were looking just as confused as we were. Whispers surrounded us..women confirming this fact with waiters, boyfriends, husbands and lovers. One overwhelming question on all of our lips...WHY??

Why in heavens name would men wear underwear with fly fronts if they never use them? Why, when most of the men at our table declared blushingly (and gawd they looked so cute while doing so) that at times they would have preferred the restriction of a plain front that wasn't so receptive to peek-through when something caught their interest, would men go along with this ruse? Think of how much more it costs to sew those little fake flys or Y openings into underwear! Think of how women have been mislead into thinking that men extract their ummmm selves through that li'l hole, when, in fact they push down and pee over!

The men, being men, tried to turn the conversation to why we wear shoes that squoosh our toes and cripple our backs but we were louder..and we were indignant! All those years of being mislead changed us that night and when we left their company, we were a little wiser and giggling... definitely giggling!

5 surprising reasons men are happy in a relationship

Five surprising reasons men are happy in a relationship

1.) He needs to communicate with youA lot of men need to be in a relationship more than women do. Surprising? Not really, when you think about it. Women usually have close relationships with their friends. They talk about health problems until they feel better. But men don't. As Helen Fielding's character, Bridget Jones, says, 'Women have emotions and men have football.' Men are competitive and so, in general, they rarely share their emotions or problems with each other, as they think it makes them look too weak. When he needs to open up and talk about his feelings, guess who he eventually shows his vulnerable side to? You!

Woman's (or rather MY) Version:We need to communicate with you ALOT.
Despite the deceptive myraid pleasures the body can bring, i don't believe that people can fall in love in mid-bonk. We do so in conversation, when someone intuitively seems to respond to our emotional needs with a kind word, a compliment or a declaration of emotion. After a while of being together, couples forget to talk as much and the foundations of the relationship begin to suffer their first cracks. The same guy who could once spend hours talking to us, swaps pleasantries during the ad breaks on TV now; you think that he believes there's little more to learn about us - and is therefore hardly interested in our point of view at all. This scares us more than we want to admit. Remember that women want and need stimulating conversation with you.

2.) He wants to be your hero
Knowing that he can make someone else happy makes him feel good inside, because he has the power to change things. And what bloke doesn't secretly want power of some sort? At least if he can't always be top dog at work, he can be a star at home. Instinctively, he aspires to be Spider-Man or Superman – to be your hero, to be able to make things right: to be appreciated, to be someone's knight in shining armour. So when you are disappointed or unhappy, he feels responsible. What matters is that you are happy and then he's got one less thing to worry about. Strange but true.

Woman's version: We want to be your princess. Sometimes we can also be the Wicked Witch of the West, the Dominitrix, the Damsel-in-distress, the Catwoman (*purr*)...but at the end of the day, we just want to be treated like a princess. But we don't want men to be our butler. We want a prince. If you want "power" of some sort, then you better not be a pushover who will accede to our every selfish whim and demand or be at our beck and call all the time. Sure we want you to slay our dragons and kill our cockroaches; but most importantly we want to love you for the person you are, not the things you do for us.

3.) He strives to make you happy
The number one reason men leave relationships is because they feel as though they can't meet their partner's needs. This makes them feel inadequate, and it makes them feel as though there's no way their partner can feel respect for them. For women, communication seems to be the top priority in keeping the relationship going – but, quite honestly, men don't understand this constant need to talk about things over and over.For men, the relationship is a success if they feel respected and if they make their partner happy. This is why a new conquest is exactly that – he feels as though he is in charge – he is once again someone's knight in shining armour.If you resent him because you feel overworked and under-appreciated, stop doing so much – you are probably destroying your relationship! He doesn't want to feel responsible for you rushing around, worn into the carpet, and most men really don't notice whether the housework has been done or not. What they want is respect and appreciation. 'All we really want from women,' a (male) friend recently told me, 'is for you to smile at us.' (And probably one other thing, if he thought about it for longer than a millisecond.)

Woman's Version:Women leave men because they CAN'T meet their needs. Maybe for some, it's material needs, then you have my condolences because she is the one with the problem, not you. But for normal girls like me, quality time (and stimulating conversation again) ranks top on the priority list. SMS is not counted. If a woman can't stop nit-picking your relationship with her, she probably is insecure. Whatever the issue she wants to argue talk about is secondary, the bottomline is that she doesn't trust your feelings for her as much as she should. Then reassure her once and for all and make sure your actions mirror your words.
Women want to be pleased too...more than anything we enjoy and appreciate the effort men put in. But we can sniff out the sincerity in one's actions - are you trying to make us or yourself happy? Are you trying to prove to others that you are such a great bf when you put up dazzling displays of love?

4.) Sex makes him feel loved
Sex has the same effect on men as romance does on women. So the reverse is also true: no sex = no love, no approval, no acknowledgement. They get that same sad, unloved feeling that you get when you don't get flowers, your partner looks at other women or ignores you.

Woman's Version:Women don't want to be treated as sex objects. Write that down in your PDA. And so, excessive sex without communication = no love, no approval, NO RESPECT. We get the same shitty feeling you get when your favourite football team gets trashed, your newly bought gadget gets stolen or damaged.

5.) You are his (secret) reason for living
He needs you because you inspire him to do better – he has someone to do things for, goals to reach, a reason to go out and conquer the world. What's the point of being disgustingly rich and powerful if there's no one to share it with? What he needs is the gift of you.

Women's version: Men are our (not so secret) reason why we want to look more beautiful. :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

a peek into my school

Today I've decided to come school to revise my work seeing how clueless I am with accounts..

so here I am seated in one of the school's busiest corridors. I don't like studying in the library. Its way too damn quiet there. I'm a noisy person. Hehe

oh wells anyway one of the reasons for choosing my strategic seat is cause I can get to people watch. As you know the Singapore health authorities encourage that after every half hour you must rest your eyes and look at things FAR away. Why look at trees when you can entertain yourself by observing other people.

This particular corridor is the gateway to school. So everyone is doing their grand entries. Somewhat like the red carpet to the Oscars. The girls in SIM I observed are generally well dressed. Though most of the time over dressed. Not that I'm complaining ;) sitting here for 2 hours I've girls of all shapes and sizes.. and of all kinds of "genre" bohemian chic.. ah lians stomping in cigarette in hand, make up so thick compact power is falling off their cheeks with each step they take normally in skimpy short skirts and reeeeeeeeeally thin spaghetti tops.

And of course the ah lian MUST.

With their bra straps showing to the whole world in BRIGHT eye catching yellow orange or pink.

Then there's the girl next door.
Looking down, sporting short cropped hair.
Just wanting to get to class double quick.
In jeans and tee shirt lap top cradled in their arms. With a big esprit bag on their shoulders.

The butch.
Spiky spunky hair.. *duhuh*
Pants or jeans. Funky tees..
And quite often.. with their girlfriends who are reeeeally hot.
Butches are really quite friendly.

Then there's the Barbie dolls..
Curly brown locks.
Colored contacts that give them the 'I'm a blind blue eyed girl' look cause u cant see where they are focusing on.

Rosy beyond belief cheeks. Mostly cratered. result of too much make up on skin.
Mostly in brightly colored tops and skirt and bags.

Then the Tai tai junior.
In exquisite manicured nails.
Very very very fair. So fair their legs reflect light unto the ground they step on. Result of being chauffeured around where ever they go, expensive IPL treatments. Obscenely expensive skin care products.
These fine specimens strut in to school in their mini skirts, not too short till slutty short but short short. Haha if you get what I mean. Gucci shades LV tote.. clicking down the corridor in their killer heels. An expensive air surrounding her. no wait that's just half a bottle of chanel perfume showered on them.
They to go school without the SLIGHTEST hint of their intentions.. no laptops. No books and their bag soooooooo small I wonder if you fit a calculator without breaking it apart.

Then we have the lovey dovey couples.. walking down the stairs with their body glued together. Hand in hand.. staring straight in to each other eyes.. its amazing how they get down the stairs.
Giggling away. Hands flying all over the place.. its quite an amusing sight.

The chapalang crowd.
In bata 7.50 slippers.
Three quart berms... either they are biiiig three quart berms or extremely tiny pants.
Swimming in their gigantic tees these same people don't seem to have any books either! Hmmm must have stashed it in locker.

There seem to be a lack of the 'beachy' crowd in SIM.
Quite sad though. Despite the school having a glass roofed atrium and a center hollowed out garden which allows plenty of sun light. Everyone's extremely fair.

Alright im about done.
Gotta get back to work now.

great...theres this bunch of ah lians that just settled themselves beside me.. sprouting hokkien and swearing away.. blatantly laughing out loud. siiigh.

always invest in a pair of good in-ear earphones.

i highly recommend sony's fontopia. in ipod white. fantastic..

acts a good ear plugs when your ipod dies on you.. which happens in my case.

What we know about women:

What we know about women but they don't know we know:

1) We know their first choice for a date is the proverbial "Bad Guy" (until they marry a "Good Boy" who has to deal with the baggage the bad ones left behind.

2) We know that they provide their best girlfriends with every intimate detail of last night's intimacy.

3) We know they're laughing inside when they say " It's not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean."

4) We know that they shave their armpits and legs if they think there's going to be a chance they might be engaging in some petting.

5) We know they want us to lie when they ask :"Do I look fat in this." ....

Anyone of you know more about women ...?

Why Women Chase Other Women's Men?

KENTUCKY - Women grade a man on sex appeal under the same sort of peer pressure as guppy fish or quail, according to a new study by scientists.

They are more likely than men to be drawn to the charms of a sexual partner who is already spoken for, the tests show.

Similar effects have been observed in studies of guppies and quail: Females are more likely to choose a male sexual partner if they have seen him mating with a different female, reported The Times newspaper.

Research at the University of Louisville in Kentucky has found that women copy the preferences of their peers, rather than judge for themselves, when seeking a mate. Simply hearing that another woman wants to date a man can arouse their interest.

Men are much less severely affected by the phenomenon, according to Dr Lee Dugatkin, a biologist, and Dr Michael Cunningham, a psychologist.

In the study, reported in New Scientist, 166 women undergraduates were presented with a report ostensibly written by five of their peers about a male undergraduate called Chris. Both Chris and the women were fictional.

The fictional women graded Chris according to how attractive they found him, and said whether or not they were interested in dating him.

The real women were then asked to grade, on a scale of one to six, how interested they would be in a date with the man.

The researchers found the most persuasive factor was how much attention he was getting from their peers: When four women wanted to go out with him, dating interest rose.

Dr Cunningham said: 'The underlying assumption is that if other people are attracted to him, he must have something going for him.

' A similar study on male students found that they were much less bothered about whether their peers were interested in a date.

Dr Dugatkin said the phenomenon was probably caused by a genetic predisposition among females to seek out the strongest and most protective mate.
The decision of another woman, he said, could often therefore be taken as a good indication that a man is worth having.

Valuable Advice

For all the 235guys except for 1.

"The three little sentences that will get you through life.
Number 1: Cover for me.
Number 2: Oh, good idea, Boss!
Number 3: It was like that when I got here."

-Homer Simpson

JT's view on Karma

I do bad things to people because they deserve it

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


The things we are forced to see that really makes us wish we were blind. It was just a typical morning for me. Was on the way to my daily gym workout. Took the train from TPY station. Whilst on the train journey to town, I couldnt help noticing this little boy at a corner seat playing slowly with his fingers, as if there's glue stuck on his thumb and his index finger. Then he started tasting it. Then came the best part. He picked his nose like there was no tomorrow and started to taste his fingers again. GOODNESS HEAVENS!!!! He had been tasting his nosehole residue all these while. It really churns my stomache whenever i think about this. How disgusting can it get. I wonder what his mom had been doing all these while. Educating him on how to get an "INSTANT SNACK"? Aww man. Gross. Just reminds me of the armpit issue. What's happening to the world... Well, I'd better stop here man, before i really lose my sleep over this. A message to all, please, leave whatever is in your nose IN the nose or otherwise use a tissue and throw it away! And I believe there are much better snacks available out there.... haha. Til next time...

Women Who Smoke and Swear

I dont know if you will call this bias or what.

When we see a man smoke. A lot of us will take it as ..... yah he is a smoker.
When we see a woman smoke. A lot of us will think she is Ah Lian, or that she must be damn bad. Si Za Bo Kia !

When we hear a man swear by his words. A lot of us will take it as he is rude, fowl mouth.
When we hear a woman swear. A lot of us will have a totally different opinion of her no matter how pretty she is. Bo Lang Ai !

I guess the world is fair this way. Come to think of it. A lot of things woman can do, but man cant, for the longest time, we have been biasedly commented too. Its fair I guess.

The society has brought every single one of us up to accept a certain norm behaviour for each gender.

Some girls think they are cool, swearing. All over, especially in their blogs (this is going down for many generations to come if they dont know). I dont think this is cool.

A cool girl states her points, stands by her principles, respects her own value, gender and sexuality, chooses gracefullness over rudeness.

The world may have changed a great deal ..... something I feel should stay as it is.

235guys love cool girls.

Monday, August 29, 2005

The Night He Left Us!

Finally, its time to say good bye.

Danial wrote "Gosh! Its hard to part!" in his sharing.

Jack says he hates the most "Sheng Li Si Bie".

I told him this is part and parcel of life lo.

So Danial wrote in the Mini Blog his sharing and thoughts on leaving. A few of us read , and tears ..... shit man. Big boys dont cry lo.

We know for sure he will do great ...

I scanned his article, and share with everybody.