Friday, August 08, 2008


NUM Scandalendar

A German poet once said, “There is but one temple in the universe and that is the body of man.” appreciates all who take good care and pride of their own selves because a healthy body is a healthy mind. Hence, we have started Scandalendar monthly editions.

If you hadn’t noticed, a bevy of our NUM-milicious Ambassadors have been gracing our monthly editions of Scandalendar. Javier Thong our very first NUM Ambassador, was in the inaugural issue. Following that was one of our hottest NUM Ambassador Ray Phua from the ‘06 Batch as well as Jonathan Han from the ’08 Batch. And the latest NUM Ambassadors on displays are Han Long, also from the ’06 Batch together with Shukrie from the ’08 Batch.

They have all symbolized our philosophy of living life to the fullest while maintaining our mantra of working hard and playing just as hard. Keep on dropping by our stores more often as we will feature many many more of our NUM Ambassadors in our upcoming monthly Scandalendar collectable issues!