Thursday, September 22, 2005

Your Choice?

You know what is so interesting today?
One of the Brazilian Bikinis from NUM is being featured on 2 "celebrities".

One on Newman Magazine Cover, another on Maxim supplement.

Any comment guys?


Missy V said...

Pardon me,
I'm only looking at the bikini.
Well, not everyone suits orange that's for sure.

cindereLL said...

wahahaha. that was pukifying... of course i'll choose Sarah Tan... was there a choice in the first place?

The Hlysnaner said...

SARAH TAN. sorry but Xia Xue. no. can. do.

ArTiCw|nD said...

Dude, Sarah Tan. Anyone that chooses XX needs good new glasses.


Laurens said...

i'd buy xx's one paste on my door to scare away ghosts