Thursday, April 06, 2006

NUM Director On TV

Watch out for one our three directors, James Kwek on TV this Sunday.

This Sunday (April 9, 2006) will be the telecast of the Big Jam event that was held on March 25th at the Fountain of Wealth in Suntec. James' team, Yuan Sheng Dai performed Jay Chou's Jian Dan Ai and this Sunday will be the D-Day where Super Band will only select 14 out of the 18 teams that performed at the Fountain of Wealth.

So for those who loved Yuan Sheng Dai and want to show your support for our NUM director James, you can vote for James through SMS at 71199 and type B7 for Yuan Shend Dai or call 1900-112-3007.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do u guys even employ females?