Friday, September 15, 2006

NUM Fashion Dance Party - 3 Reasons Why You Should Be There

Great music and beautiful people will be there at the NUM Fashion Dance Party. Less than a week away, these are 3 reasons why you should be attending one of the hottest parties this September!

Reason #1
This is the first time R&B and Pop Remixes will hit Zouk on a Thursday evening!

Reason #2
This is the first time flip flops are allowed in Zouk and the bouncers can't do anything about it (but please make sure you have tickets first)!! So you can head on down to Zouk in your favorite pair of Havaianas or Braziliano Praia flip flops.

Reason #3
Beautiful international models
will be parading in our hottest apparel and our chic and sexy Brazilian bikinis.

So either you apply for leave next Friday or call in sick on Thursday night because you are going to be busy partying all night at the NUM Fashion Dance Party.

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