Friday, August 26, 2005

Will Miss You! Danial.

The first time Danial came to look for a job.

He was just a mama boy, dressed very decently. I still remember.

That was about 6 months ago.

Time flies isn't it.

Today, I was working at my desk, he came to me, and broke the news that the "Police Department" has recruited him into his NS.

There was a mix feeling. I was a bit sad, knowing that I will miss him. But at the same, I was very happy for him, he has been wanting to be a "Policeman" and that NS means, he is going to be transformed from a boy to a man now. (I hope so hor !!)

Remember when he joined us, he was even too poor to pay his phone bill.

Occasionally I did ask him about his life and his family.

"I finally can buy a lot of things for myself !!"
"I brought my mom out for Makan last weekend! "

The satisfaction from his face, telling me all these, with a tinge of cheekiness, I will never forget.

Especially, I managed to witness his first trip to a pub/disco here in Singapore, and the first trip, his photo was right on front page The Straits Times the next day.

I wish you well boy. We will all miss you. Visit us often ho.

Will always remember the Staircase Story, only between the 2 of us. :)

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